hey can anyone speak english?
nikki fm
2006-08-14 22:21:59 UTC
im from the usa and was just corius if lots of people spoke english? do you like liveing in italy and what kind of music do you listen to, stuff like that.
Dieci risposte:
2006-08-14 23:23:51 UTC

here I am

I'm italian and I love my land lol

Rock music is my preferred, but I like funky, jazz and underground too.

I hope you'll be back on

Enjoy your time!
2006-08-16 04:35:14 UTC
I speak English and I'm Italian but I live and work in China. Nevertheless if u planning 2 go 2 Italy remember very few people can speak English but it's still worth going... One of the best places in the world!!
2006-08-15 06:39:24 UTC
Is your mother language english??
Aaron M
2006-08-15 17:08:06 UTC
2006-08-15 08:36:14 UTC
Hi Nikki!

Yeah,I speak english a bit.I love every kind of music(rock,punk,rock 'n' roll,....)

Unfortunately I don't like Italy so much.It's a beautiful country,but people sometimes are very ignorant and idiot(but not everyone.. ;))

I'd like to leave Italy and come to the USA,but,I know,it's not easy anyway!
2006-08-15 07:47:04 UTC
Hi, I'm Luca from Rome; here in Italy lots of peple doesn't speak english, unfortunately, anyway, I like to live here, more or less, ( the story is longer than you can think, we' ve got a lot of problems here...). I like music, especially the music of '60 / '70 ( Beatles, Pink Flyod, Led Zeppelin..) and classic music. Bye
Lady Luck
2006-08-15 07:20:52 UTC
Yo Nikki!!

There's a lot of people here speaking English -- perhaps not perfectly but you'll find it quite easy to understand.

I like living in Italy, but I'd like to move away for a while.

I love U2 music, but also hip hop & old rock'n'roll.

2006-08-15 07:14:18 UTC
Hi, yes I can. I have to speak English every day because of my job. Many Italian can, at least, understand English so should you came here do not be scared of it, come and visit Italy. Of course bringing with you a dictionary would be preferable. By the way, I like Italy, its food and vines. I listen pop music, some jazz and Italian singers. Get well and have a good nignt.
2006-08-15 06:43:08 UTC
Hi, I'm speaking English. I live in the Italian-part of Switzerland.

I like the Italy!! I listen mostly radio. At the moment I like the music of Kelly Clarkson and Green Day.

Bye, and have a nice day
2006-08-15 05:34:57 UTC
Yes I do. . . Here in Italy people are ignorant in English. . .so if you are you going to come here on holliday i suggest you to bring with you a -language translator-...

So if you are interested to know an Italian who can also speak English, here i am, and you can ask me whatever your curiosity want to know ;)


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